Put it all together

The RepairNet Business Solution is available as an all inclusive program. That means that everything from updates to consulting and training is included. Just the website alone is worth more than the entire cost of our program.

We believe that as a shop owner, you should have every tool available without having to pay an arm and a leg for each separate module. That makes sense to us.

Here is a list of what is included:

1) Your own company website with your own information and images. (You supply to us)

2) Submission to search engines so customers can find you on the internet. (Advertising)

3) Website and business application hosting service complete with back ups. (24/7)

4) Customer maintenance reminders. Customers and potential customers will receive an automated email and or text message for service due or recommended services. Also first time customers receive a free maintenance reminder to make an appointment with you. (24/7)

5) Customer email and or text messages sent at your discretion. You can use this for sending specials, holiday greetings, etc. (24/7)

6) Business consulting and setup for company restructuring and the time management system. (Please call for appointment)

7) Business consulting and training using the communications system. (Please call for appointment)

8) Detailed online training videos. (Available 24/7)

9) The RepairNet Business Management Software Application. (including hosting services to access data any time any where 24/7)

10) Up dates and improvements to the RepairNet Business Management Software Application on an ongoing basis. (This keeps your business with the latest and greatest technology at all times)

11) Secure login for each employee. Includes ability to assign any module to any employee.

12) Full Administrative control panel. (24/7)


Solution Details


"I have been using the RepairNet system for 5 years now. In all honesty, I am so happy the way my shop runs now I could never go back to the old way I did things- not even for 1 hour. In my busy shop I used to have up to 3 service writers to keep up with the flow. Now I have been easily running my business with one counter person. Another key feature for me is the fact that I can see how my business is doing from any location - even on my mobile phone."

"I have been using the RepairNet system for my 2nd year now. This company really cares about making an excellent system. New features to make life easier seem to happen on a monthly basis. My shop and technicians love the scheduling and work order system. I get more work done in a lot less time - and that makes me more money! I also love the free website and customer retention system. I never knew how many people rely on the internet to find a repair shop".

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